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To help you play: Dungeon Fantasy Wilderness Adventures Cheat Sheets

I've created flowcharts detailing the rules for some sections of  Dungeon Fantasy 16: Wilderness Adventures. After reading the book, you can refer to them in order to speed up play! 

I've covered Travel, Camping, Scouting, Mapping, Getting Lost, Food and Water, and Ambushes - with a bonus flowchart for the Surprise rules in DFRPG.

Note: to download any PDF from this blog, click this button at the right bottom corner and select "download copy" 

So here they are, hope they are useful. 



  1. Do you have a version in a better resolution? This one is very hard to read and blurry when zoomed in at all.

    1. Hey Evileyeore, the visualization here in the site is indeed blurry (which I had not noticed), but the PDF itself is very readable when downloaded and opened in a PDF reader (just tested it). Did you try downloading the PDF?

    2. The pdf download button didn't exist. I thought I'd turned all the relevant scripts on for the page, but I just checked again and "office.net" was still being blocked from running, so I suspect it was just a thumbnail and not the actual document loading. Once I allowed that page to run, the actual image cleaned up and the download button showed up (as did the fact that it's 7 pages!) and the other MSWord controls for the window.

      Just goes to show, sometimes I should triple check the page scripts. Thanks for making this, the pdf version is great!

    3. Glad it all sorted then! Hope the flowcharts are useful for you.

    4. The Travel chart will definitely be handy to me, the Players will like having the Ambush and Camping charts as reference so they can better plan for those things.

  2. These flowcharts look very useful! They should help players understand the rules of "Dungeon Fantasy 16: Wilderness Adventures" faster, speeding up gameplay. Thank you for sharing these resources!


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