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To help you play: a visual guide from SM -5 to +5, including Reach

This is a quick one: by looking up the dimensions given in B19 and putting them in this website, we can generate a nifty visual guide for different Size Modifiers. Pretty useful to get a better idea of the differences between them. Here's how it looks. 

SM0 is 6' or 183 cm. 

From SM0 to SM+5. Of course, if you read it right to left, it may also be from SM0 to SM-5 (click to enlarge):

And here's from SM-5 to SM+5. Can barely see those small figures!

Going a bit further, how would reach work in a SM0 vs SM2 encounter, as per Combat at Different Heights and Combat Writ Large?

So, yes, better bring some long weapons on that case.

That's it!

